Osha 29 cfr 1926 501 b 10 allows protection from falling via the use of guardrail systems safety net systems or personal fall arrest systems but also allows more options.
Pitched roof edge protection.
What about low sloped roofs.
This edge protection needs to be strong enough to withstand a person falling against it and the longer the slope and the steeper the pitch this stronger the edge protection needs to be.
A low sloped roof has a slope less than or equal to 4 inches of vertical rise for every 12 inches horizontal length.
Employers are to ensure that each employee is protected from falling by using fall protection systems such as guardrails safety net system fall restraint or fall arrest systems.
Sloping roofs require scaffolding to prevent people or materials falling from the edge.
Steep roof above 4 12 slope 29 cfr 1926 501 b 11.
Rss is a complete edge protection system for both flat and sloping roofs the lightweight aluminium fence can be hooked onto the roof edge and is supported against the façade by a stanchion.
By using a throwing line for work on sloping roofs a rope can be pulled over the roof.
Know the pitch of the roof and follow the appropriate standard.
All classes have a static load requirement and class b c also have a dynamic load applied representing someone rolling down the roof slope and making contact with the edge.
Where work is of short duration tasks measured in minutes properly secured ladders to access the roof and proper roof.
For roofs pitched over 35 degrees have a platform at the same level as the working surface or bring of the inside handrail and mesh guard a maximum of 100mm laterally from the leading edge gutter or slab edge roof pitch 25 35 degrees.
Class c 30 45 degree roof pitch.
The rss edge protection system causes no damage to the façade and does not stand on the ground.
Low slope roof 4 12 slope or less 29 cfr 1926 501 b 10.
You must also fit edge protection to the eaves of any roof and on terraced properties to the rear as well as the front.
Each employee on a walking working surface horizontal and vertical surface with an unprotected side or edge which is 6 feet 1 8 m or more above a lower level shall be protected from falling by the use of guardrail systems safety net systems or personal fall arrest systems.
Contrary to popular belief an anchor point does not necessarily have to be situated above the work location.
Unprotected sides and edges.
This allows users to create an anchor point on the other side of the sloping roof.
Employers must provide the right equipment employers must provide fall protection and the right equipment for the.
Osha defines what fall protection is required based on how close employees are to the edge of the roof.
On larger roofs or those that have a steep pitch the momentum of a person sliding down from near the ridge and hitting edge protection at the eaves may be such that intermediate platforms are needed to withstand the force.
The european norm establishes three classes of edge protection system.