Open metal valley details for asphalt roofs.
Pitched roof valley gutter detail.
Important 4 this booklet is a guide to the correct detailing and fixing of lead sheet flashings.
To get the most out of it is helpful to also read parts 1 and 2.
Maximum catchment areas for valley gutters are given in table 8 of e2 as1 for minimum roof pitch and gutter widths.
Roof valleys are like gutters with a steep pitch but the stakes are higher for valleys than they are for gutters in a previous video we covered how to flash roof edges before shingling.
Architectural drawings 3 not to scale all technical files in this manual are subject to our disclaimer see page 1.
Looking for something specific.
We ve arranged our superb selection into grp valley troughs for tiled roofs and roof valley solutions for slate roofs.
Where the roof pitch is 12 5 or greater the.
Table 11 gives the minimum recommended valley widths for different roof pitches and plan areas.
Valleys shall have suitable weathering details including flashings to resist the passage of moisture to the inside of the building.
Part 1 a guide to roof construction covers an overview of flat and pitched roofs.
Flashing a humpy old roof valley.
Gutter catchment area must be no more than 16 m.
Roof ridges and ridge tiles roof hips and hip tiles roof valleys roof verges and lead flashings.
Calder lead sheet and flashing conforms to the new european standard.
Cad details document name pdf dwg download all cad construction details 37 1 mb 3 4 mb mc01 identification of roof areas 694 kb 167 kb mc01a single layer underlayment 678 kb 302 kb mc01b double layer underlayment 711 kb 322 kb mc02 vent pipe flashing 626 kb 349 kb mc03 valley.
Flashing a humpy old roof valley requires a.
Pitched valley gutters 19 box and tapered gutters 20 secret gutters 21 flat roof coverings 22 window flashings 23 contents note.
Catchment area must be no more than 25 m gutter must be at least 250 mm wide.
Bs en12588 replaced bs1178 in august 1999.
We use lots of sketches and photos in our building surveys.
Proprietary gutter or valley systems.
Roof problems valley gutters.
Mt21 hip gutter valley details 25 mt22 steep pitch roof valley valley details 26 mt23 eaves standard gutter eaves details 23 mt24 fascia height eaves details 24 mt25 fire wall detail general details 5.
Valleys and the components used should.
Part 3 of the four part guide to roof construction covers pitched roof detail.
7 2 21 valleys and hidden gutters.
If you can t find it here give our friendly customer services team a call on 01752 692760 and they ll be glad to help you.