A solar oven can be used for all different types of things such as cooking baking heating something up boiling frying and even more.
Pizza box solar oven project.
Hello my name is cassidy and for this project i decided to make a quick and simple pizza box solar oven.
The aluminum foil is used to reflect sunlight into the box.
You will cut a flap out of the pizza box s.
Take it outside to a sunny spot and adjust the flap until the most sunlight possible is reflecting off the aluminum foil and onto the plastic covered window.
The best hours to set up your solar oven are when the sun is high overhead from 11 am to 3 pm.
In case you were wondering a solar oven is a devise that uses the suns energy to heat up cook or bake all different types of unique foods and all sorts of fun stuff.
The solar oven you build in this activity is a relatively simple one made out of a pizza box aluminum foil plastic wrap and a sheet of black paper.
You cut a flap out of the pizza box s lid and line this flap with aluminum foil so that sunlight can be reflected off of the foil and into the box.
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Our diy solar oven below is made out of a pizza box aluminum foil plastic wrap and a sheet of black paper.