And cut metal as simply and efficiently as possible fastcam can read or convert dxf dwg dstv nc1 strucad iges and pdf file formats.
Plasma cutting machine specification pdf.
That is supplied with the cnc plasma cutter is used to control the machine.
Technical specifications of cnc air plasma and gas cutting machine.
T new industrial town faridabad 121001 dist.
This is the program used to drive the torch manually set the tool origin or offset and run the machine code to product the part.
Cnc plasma cutting machines cnc pl asma cut ting ma chines ajan plasma technical specifications material amperage gas min.
Cut 50 is a newly designed with the meter cut 50 is a newly designed with the meter and adjustment attached to the front of the machine and the filter is located inside the machine.
This document covers the technical specifications for the manufacture and supply of cnc plasma and oxy fuel gas cutting machine and additional requirements set herein.
3 4 19 mm 20 ipm 500 mm min 1 25 mm 10 ipm 250 mm min.
An introduction to cnc plasma cutting section 1 background information.
Verify the specifications to make sure the iplasmacnc plasma cutter is the right choice.
Home machine specifications powermax65 discontinued powermax65 discontinued buy now.
Thickness in o2 o2 o2 air o2 air o2 air o2 air h35 n2 n2 n2 f5 n2 f5 n2 air air n2 n2 air air h35 n2 air air h35 n2 n2 n2 air air h35 n2 air air h35 n2 30 amp 40 amp 80 amp 130 amp.
New industrial town faridabad no.
The machine is more accurate than a plasma torch.
This document also serves as a vendor confirmation form.
Thickness in piercing thickness in max.
Provides additional functions such as keft compensarion plasma bridge common line cutting cad.
New digitally controlled 15 50 amps plasma cutter machine with advanced inverter technology and high cutting performance.
Required for connecting bhel hpvp s power supply point to different.
With plasma the machine can achieve part accuracies as high as 0 005 inch depending on setup conditions.
Home specification hugong cnct cnc plasma cutting machine.
5 e 42 b.
Handheld or mechanized plasma system for cutting and gouging metal.
Hugong cnct cnc plasma cutting machine.
Looking to add a cnc plasma cutting machine to your shop or garage.
Details on machine specifications.
The new and improved model makes it more convenient and easier to use.