There were never any plans for z it was just a creative decision.
Pokemon kalos power plant locked doors.
Give this item to a pokemon that knows electric type attacks to get a boost in power.
Serebii confirmed that the power plants and such were always meant to be inaccessible.
The kalos power plant japanese.
Team flare are encountered here trying to utilise the power in order to power their plans.
Did anyone ever figure out what exactly the deal was with the locked power plant doors in kalos.
Now what s the first thing that you think of when you think of fire and water.
The kalos power plant is the place that generates the power for all of kalos.
It can only be reached through route 13.
I mean after the games were hacked and the hidden legends mega lati s and other hidden goodies were found i was sure we.
For pokemon x on the 3ds a gamefaqs message board topic titled looking back remaining kalos mystery.
It is said to be environmentally responsible and generates solar power to lumiose city.
I saw on youtube that the doors that are locked at the power plant could most likely be the locations for hoopa diancie or volcanion i dont know weather its true because these pokemon aren t even confirmed.
Also the lumoise mueseum s audio guide for the kalos power plant says it is powered by heat.
Source i have the pass what i want to know is why the other doors won t be unlocked by it and why they are locked.
That s just how they imagined kalos to be.
And the locked kalos power plant area has steam coming out from holes in the ground most likely so the generators won t overheat.
How to get into the locked door in mossdeep city pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire duration.
The kalos power plant is a small location in mountain kalos.