Lately i ve been thinking about the unsolved mysteries of pokemon x and y such as the ghost girl in lumoise the editor in cheif of lumoise etc.
Pokemon x and y locked door.
Pokemon x and y randomizer nuzlocke https.
Can you enter the other power plant doors.
Nobody yet knows how to get through this locked door.
Where do i go after defeating team flare at the power plant.
Is the door that is locked in the power plant the location for the event pokemon in y.
Behind the third locked door to the south is a rock platform.
But then again for all we know these mysteries just might be connected somehow.
When the new event pokemon volcanion was leaked i thought of a theory that just has to be right.
Can you rematch the kalos champion and elite four.
This may be another event.
Pokemon x y ushers in a new era for the role playing creature capturing series via new starter pokemon new legendary pokemon.
What are the movesets of the pikachus found in the power plant.
The locked kalos power plant doors.
How to get into the locked door in mossdeep city pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire duration.
Pokemon x and y cagelocke pokemon cagelocke cagelocke pokemon welcome everyone to our pokemon x and y randomizer cagelock.
This may just be on of those pokemon x and y mysteries.