A pool timer becomes an intermediary between the system and that source.
Pool filter timer not working.
So what you will need to do next is to troubleshoot your intermatic timer with a few steps.
Your timer could be set incorrectly or the timer may not be getting power.
You plug your system into the automatic pool timer and then the pool timer into your wall outlet.
Through the skimmer because of low pool water levels or clogs blocking the flow of water or through an o ring that is leaking.
You ll also need to check your skimmer basket.
For extra safety shut off the pool breaker on the main home panel as well and lock the panel or place a large note to prevent someone else from turning the breaker s back on while you are working.
How does a pool timer work.
Find the on off button and switch the timer on time and date find the mode button press this button until you see set up and choose it.
For dial timers look at the timer and note the position of the dial.
Check out the diagram below or see the wiring diagram which comes with a new timer or is printed on the door of the timer box.
In order to find the issue of your pool timer troubleshooting must be done to determine the problem.
There are many reasons why your pool timer may not be working.
If your swimming pool level is low the problem can usually be fixed by filling it up.
Timer pins can be missing or the timer could be defective.
Also note the position of the on pin and the off pin.
Remember each electronic pool timer is a little different but this quick explanation should cover the most common pull open the door to the box watch for spiders.
You could be missing the timer pins you could have a bad timer you could have no power to the timer or maybe even the timer is set wrong and it really is working but your not seeing it.
For automatic timers check to see if the lcd panel shows that the timer is set.
If there is air in the system it s probably coming in one of two ways.
There are several reasons why your pool timer may be malfunctioning.