A tongue tie release allows newborn babies the ability to latch on and breastfeed when they might not have previously been able to.
Posterior tongue tie laser.
A posterior tongue tie can cause the same problems as an anterior tongue tie even though it isn t as easily.
Richard baxter dmd ms used his lightscalpel co2 laser to perform a posterior tongue tie release frenectomy on a newborn baby.
A laser frenectomy is basically the same procedure as a traditional oral frenectomy.
Alternatively a laser or scissors can also be us.
Posterior tongue tie is treated using one of two main methods.
The tongue tie corrective procedures were performed in just seconds with no bleeding and using only topical anesthesia.
Scissors or dental laser.
At gep tots dental group we specialize in dental laser treatments for posterior tongue tie and a number of other tongue and lip tie conditions.
Infant laser frenectomy anterior and posterior tongue tie revisions richard baxter dmd ms performs an infant lightscalpel co2 laser frenectomy of anterior and posterior tongue ties.