Don t position your led tape too close to a wall or else you may see lighting dotting.
Postiion of lighting to stop shadows on wall.
Try to get the shadows to go downward butterfly lighting and minimize the shadow that reaches the wall.
As the shadow edges become less visible and the overall shadow more blurry with softer light you could use softer light.
Diffuse light by using lighting umbrellas and reflectors or by placing a soft box around each of your lamps.
By increasing the range of a light source you decrease its strength.
Avoid placing your lighting directly above you as this can cause some dark and distracting shadows that draw attention away from your face.
Change your lighting style position.
There are two potential problems with this.
The basics of shadows.
In order to do this you d either have to use a bigger modifier to increase the size of the light source or move the source in closer.
Overhead lighting can cast shadows on your face if you must go with an overhead light choose a longer horizontal fixture instead of one with one single bulb to help fully illuminate your.
More light sources more shadows.
Be careful of the floor surface that the lights are going to fall on.
A myth about lighting and shadows is that you can make them go away using more light sources this isn t true.
Each light source creates one shadow per object.
In a flat ceilinged kitchen recessed lights would be located so the center of the beam is around the front edge of the counter and the light reaches to the back.
Diffuse the light minimize shadows by diffusing or spreading out the light.
Straight on lighting is best especially if you have a window with natural light on your side to fill out your shadows.
In your case you ll want to make sure that the counter is lit and the light isn t coming from behind the person at the counter creating shadows.