With no joint footing even if the subsurface was very stable it would not work because water would eventually get between the wall and the patio and undermine the subsurface and then bad things would begin to happen.
Pouring concrete wall against existing wall.
If the wall exceeds four feet in height footings should be poured separately.
The hollow block wall is depending solely on the strength of the thin mortar bed between each concrete block.
If you want to build a concrete retaining wall you should consider pouring the wall rather than making it out of concrete blocks.
Anyway regardless of whether your house is made of masonry block with a fake stone veneer or is really of stone you cannot pour concrete against the wall unless both share the same footing.
Allow concrete to cure.
Finish the surface of the wall as desired.
The addition of reinforcing steel to either wall system complicates the issue.
Pouring a concrete retaining wall is not that difficult and this easy to follow how to guide will show you just what to do.
Create contraction joints every 4 6 feet.
See below for more information on contraction joints remove forms and install waterproofing and drainage system.
A poured wall is much stronger and generally last many more years than a block wall.
I noticed something in his video that raised a red flag for me so i thought i would rough ou.
This is just a quick video for my friend who is building a home.