The bcm sets the obdii code when the power door memory lock relay is not to.
Power door memory lock relay circuit short to ground.
The ctsy lid fuse makes the relay click energizes the coil.
The door lock circuit in the diagram above uses ground side switching negative pulse control containing two spdt single pole dual throw relays.
By bat team last updated 2016 07 14 a site with free advice from mechanics.
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Power door lock circuit short to battery.
Power door locks that do not function are another common symptom for a problem with the door lock relay.
Power door memory lock relay circuit short to ground.
Direct battery power through the pwr acc circuit breaker c b supplies the unlocking and locking power to the motors in the doors since the relays are clicking you can be pretty sure the ground and power circuits for the first circuit are working just fine.
Reverse the polarity and the motor moves in the opposite direction.
If the power door lock relay fails it will cut off power to the entire power door lock system and may cause them to not function correctly.
Driver power window one touch window relay circuit failure.
The system uses voltage reversal to control the direction of the door lock actuators.
B1395 suzuki power door memory lock relay circuit short to ground.
B1395 power door memory lock relay circuit short to ground.
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Power door unlock circuit short to battery.
Door locks single pulse to lock and unlock negative pulse relay wiring diagram.
B1393 suzuki power door memory lock relay circuit open.
The body control module bcm monitors the power door memory lock relay.
Using a mechanical latching relay like the pcb latching relay pictured here you can use a single negative output to alternately lock and unlock the doors the mechanical latching relay only requires it s coil to be momentarily energized to change and maintain the opening or closing of it s contacts.
Power door memory lock relay circuit short to battery.
The fault could be a short to ground in the battery positive voltage circuit however a short to ground in the power mirror motor control or the memory seat control circuits could also be the cause if the fuse opens after any of the switches are activated.
Power door locks do not function.
B1403 suzuki driver power window up switch circuit failure.
Learn what power door memory lock relay circuit short to battery means location and how to repair.
The mir lock fuse supplies battery positive voltage for the power mirrors power door lock switches and the memory seat switch if equipped.