The citadel 2 is the first mission of the second mass effect 3 act.
Priority citadel locked door.
Several sections in this level are perfect for sniper rifles and you ll definitely want to have a sniper rifle on hand to hijack an atlas.
The m 358 talon is found during the mission priority.
It is not purchasable from a shop if missed during the mission.
The mission is acquired immediately after dealing with the genophage and is triggered by the first visit to the citadel after that thus causing all uncompleted citadel related side missions to expire.
See the preparatory notes on priority.
Mass effect 3 priority.
On the citadel mission before that main commons area where thane and kai leng have their little brawl there s this locked door.
I swear i looked around for twenty minutes trying to find a button that opens this particular door to no avail.
The citadel ii inside a locked room.
Clonexiv 6 years ago.
Go to the citadel and discuss the matter in person.
The salarian councilor has concerns that councilor udina is a potential security risk.
The citadel but in order to avoid a possible confusion between this one and the third mission featured in the prologue we will refer to it as priority.
I just get the prompt to examine it and it stays red.