The higher the r value the better the thermal performance of the insulation.
R value concrete walls.
The r value of an uninsulated 8 inch thick basement wall built using normal weight concrete is 1 35 based on data from the 1993 american society of heating refrigeration and air conditioning engineers handbook.
Concrete block makes a cost effective and structurally sound wall but it has little thermal resistance.
For example if you have a type of insulation that has an r value of r 5 per inch of thickness you will need a depth of 6 inches of this insulation installed in your attic to reach r 30 if you live in zones 2 or 3.
R value of building materials material r inch r thick ness fiberglass inch 3 00 1 inch 4 00 inch 6 00 extruded polystyrene inch 3 75 1 inch 5 00 1 inch 7 50 foil faced polyisocyanurate inch 5 40 1 inch 7 20 1 inch 10 80 siding materials hardboard inch 0 34.
The iecc prescriptive r value table calls for continuous insulation on concrete masonry and other mass walls.
Based on astm c518 calculation method the door has an r value of up to 11 but using astm c1363 tested operable the same door only have an r value of up to 3 5.
This is a huge difference and essentially comes down to astm c518 being a theoretical maximum based on a steady state thermal test of only a portion of the door panel.
Typical residential weight concrete 8 wall r 2 5.
R value is a measure of insulation s ability to resist heat traveling through it.
The table below shows what levels of insulation are cost effective for different climates and locations in the home.
Concrete and block walls.
Depending on the density of the blocks an 8 inch thick block wall without any other type of.
This refers to insulation uninterrupted by furring or by the webs of concrete masonry units.
Concrete sand gravel aggregate.
Above grade concrete wall including inside and outside air films r 1 2 for 6 inch r1 4 for 8 inch.
Concrete block wall with perlite in cavities r 2 9.
Concrete block wall with air in cavities r 2 0.
8 thick concrete slab or foundation wall has an r value of about 1 04 30 while lightweight aggregate filled 8 thick concrete has an r value of about 2 18 30.