A type of roof containing sloping planes of the same pitch on each side of the ridge.
Residential roof structure terminology.
Types of roofs the most commonly used types of pitched roof construction are the gable the hip the intersecting and the shed or lean to.
A roof s slope is the number of inches it rises for every 12 inches of horizontal run a roof with a 4 in 12 slope rises 4 inches for every 12 inches of horizontal run.
2 in a metal roof.
Contains a gable at each end.
A horizontal timber or metal resting at the peak of the roof the rafters and trusses are connected to the ridge board for a cohesive framework.
Common types of roofs and basic framing terms.
An example of each is shown in figure 2 1.
3 part of a suspended timber floor construction that provides a level bearing and.
The lower plane has a steeper slope than the upper.
Contains a gable at each end.
1 part of a pitched roof construction that receives the feet of the spars sp ars and ceiling joist ends.
A type of roof containing two sloping planes of different pitches on each side of the ridge.
Definition of structural ridge or ridge beam used in roof framing a structural ridge beam is a horizontal beam placed at the peak or ridge of a roof and is designed to carry much of the live and dead loads or weight of the roof structure by itself.
It is the form most commonly used by.
A composite decking made of solid materials it resembles real wood and particularly strong and stable for bearing heavy load.
Such roofs are built with mostly timber take a number of different shapes and are covered with a variety of materials.
A narrow plastic wood or metal bar which is used to fasten or hold the roof membrane and or base flashing in place.
Gable a gable roof has a ridge at the center and slopes in two directions.
The same roof has a 4 12 or 1 3 pitch.
2 part of a flat roof structure that receives the ends of the flat roof joists.
A strip of wood usually set in or over the structural deck used to elevate and or attach a primary roof covering such as tile.
It is a waterproofing layer made of regular felt stacked above the solid.
1 cap or cover.
4 in a membrane roof system.
Means centers a typical line to which carpenters layout framing domestic roof construction is the framing and roof covering which is found on most detached houses in cold and temperate climates.