Though many birds and their nests are protected by law there are various legal methods to get rid of birds on your roof or to deter them from it including roof spikes and bird deflectors.
Rid of birds in the roof.
When paired with sticky bird barrier gel it makes it uncomfortable for the birds to land and nest.
Because birds have developed.
Install bird spikes over popular perching spots.
They deliver ultra high frequency sound waves that are beyond the normal human hearing threshold.
Making the environment unappealing is the key to getting rid of birds for good.
Call an expert if you don t trust your eye.
A good start is ultrasonic sound devices.
The sound annoys the birds discouraging them from inhabiting areas in earshot.
I have a heavy cedar shake roof and the moisture and mildew or moss can accumulate on it.
Getting rid of their perches.
Try to arrange for them holes to be sealed during the morning as this is when most birds are out of the nest and they aren t likely to be sealed in the roof space.
Bird spikes are strips of.
Just be careful when hanging it.
Perch repellant gel this special gel feels sticky and tacky to.
There are many bird gels and other tools you can use to help keep crows off your roof.
Making the birds uncomfortable the reason the birds are living on your roof is that they love it it is very comfy to.
Once you ve found a bird proofing solution that works for your roof you ll also need to repair the damage the birds have caused.
Inspect the exterior thoroughly for any cracks or gaps and then seal them.
A bird slide is simple for the part of the roof that is at an incline the flex track is for other parts of the roof.
Place fake predators on your roof to scare birds off.
In order to get rid of birds on your roof as well as prevent them from returning here are some of the most effective methods to try.
How to keep birds off the roof method 1 of 3.
Netting block off the birds completely from any roof with netting.