Thatch covering this is the cheapest roof covering commonly used in villages.
Roof and roof covering ppt.
Report on roof and roof covering 1.
Roof systems typically fail when winds produce forces greater than the roof s strength.
The part of the roof that overhangs the walls.
Introduction roof is the uppermost covering provided over a building with a view to protect the building from rain heat wind snow etc.
Report on roof and roof covering 2.
A roof consists of a frame work supported on walls or columns.
Roof coverings as materials systems or fasteners can be weakened from extensive corrosion.
The part of the roof covering that overhangs the gable wall roofing ventilation for roofs serves the same purpose as for all other locations i e.
Framing must be strong and rigid.
Rafters the rafter is a structural element of the roof that supports the sheathing.
The roof framing is designed to support the roof covering materials.
Roofs can also fail if punctured by wind borne debris.
Roof framing consists of several distinct structural elements.
Winds can tear roof coverings from roof decks and can tear roof decks from framing.
Common rafters are perpendicular to the wall plate and extend from the ridge.
Ventilation has become more important as a result of increased standards of insulation.
The following are the roof covering materials commonly used for pitched roofs.
To remove water vapour and prevent condensation.
Asbestos cement sheets 5.