The site is cleared the excavation was completed with our own equipment and now we have set up and have poured the concrete footers and stem wall for this bonners ferry garage apartment.
Pour concrete footing and wall together.
The walls are formed with 2x8 lumber stacked on edge.
X 150 pcf 900 lbs lin.
Place the rebar a pair of l bars spaced at 7 inches apart will center tube.
Concrete foundation wall sitting on a footing weighs or applies a load to the footing of 9 ft.
One concrete pour for the footing and one for the foundation wall with the rebar and often a concrete key to hold them together.
Load capacity of footing.
However you may alter this construction standard by pouring a floor and footer at the same time in certain situations.
The standard method of pouring a foundation involves pouring footers first and then pouring stem walls or foundation walls before pouring the floor.
The key step is keeping an eye on the opening while you pour and vibrate.
If concrete starts to ooze over the top of the footing move to another spot and let the concrete stiffen before you add more weight on top of it.
Traditionally foundations are constructed in two phases.
X 8 in 12 in ft.
Footing is placed first using very stiff concrete.
Online blog previous entry 5 03 2016 5 11 2016 footer and stem wall concrete construction next entry 5 17 2016.
Without an integrated spread footing form like sonotube tube base or bigfoot i would split the pours.
Local building codes regulate residential and commercial foundations.
When you come back to it vibrate the two pours together enough to ensure a good joint but not enough to lift the forms.
Osland uses an old school method to place the footing and walls in a single pour.
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In a traditional pour foundation walls are separate from the floor.
In areas with a shallow frost line and stable soil carefully excavated trenches often serve as footings forms 1 and enable monolithic pours in which footing and wall concrete are placed together.
The footing is contained within a trench above which forms are supported and braced by vertical and diagonal 1x2s.