Black jomy retractable ladder for a discreet access to the roof.
Residential roof access stairs.
Fixed ladder with landing platform for a flat roof.
This is not a whole ladder but a.
Meets or exceeds ansi a14 9.
In stock and ready to ship.
Ladders are available in handrail only configurations or with different types of return structures at the top.
Aluminum exterior stairs to access a flat roof terrace.
Custom made ladder brackets are also available to fit unusual wall surfaces or configurations.
Maximum 4 1 2 inch handrail projection into stairway width on either side.
Cage ladder with door on the bottom for a restricted access to the roof.
A variety of special sizes are also available to provide an accessible way to install or remove large pieces of equipment from a building.
In buildings four or more stories or more than 40 feet 12 192 mm in height above grade one stairway shall extend to the roof surface through a stairway bulkhead complying with section 1509 2 unless the roof has a slope steeper than 20 degrees 0 35 rad.
Its primary use is as an attic stairway but when fitted with a precision roof hatch can be used for roof access.
Choose from our selection of roof access ladders including wall mount ladders ladder cages and more.
Bilco roof hatches provide safe and convenient access to roof areas by means of an interior ladder ship stair or service stair.
Minimum 6 8 headroom height clearance for stairway.
Minimum 10 inch stair tread depth with nosing or minimum 11 inches with no nosing.
These may be used for ceiling heights up to 12 0 in commercial applications and up to 13 6 for residential use.
Hoisting wheels allow you to move materials up to the roof while you re safely on the ground.
Maximum 12 3 vertical height rise for a flight of stairs.
Stairway access to the roof shall be in accordance with fc chapter 10 and the construction codes including the building code.
Alaco exterior roof access ladders are designed for permanent outside access to rooftops that are less than 20 ft.
Maximum 7 3 4 inch stair riser height.
Access to setback roof areas may be through a door or window opening to the roof.
Such stairway shall be marked at street and floor levels with a sign indicating that the stairway continues to the roof.